
We offer a variety of pricing options to suit your needs. If you have any questions, please contact us. We're happy to help and explain our pricing.

3DAbles mint pricing structure will vary. The cost is based off the complexity of each scene. Scenes will start at 50 $vet and scale with rendering times. There are many variables to consider as we price out each one.

Each scene from the builder selection will show the full cost to create, render, mint, and transfer to your wallet. Discounts are applied by calculating the amount of Smuzzies you own. Each Smuzzie is equal to 1.25%. Maximum discount is capped at 20 Smuzzies for %25 off. Let's say you want to create a scene with a full price of 100 $VET
  • If you own 1 Smuzzie and he resides in the wallet you connect, then your cost will be full price = 100 $VET
  • If you own 2 Smuzzies, your cost will be the full price - 2.5% = 97.5 $VET
  • If you own 10 Smuzzies, your cost will be the full price - 12.5% = 87.5 $VET
  • If you own 20 Smuzzies, your cost will be the full price - 25% = 75 $VET

Each mint transaction is divided up into multiple percentages. Some scenes will further divide up when they are project specific. Let's look at a fake project for example. Ninja Lizards; Ninja Lizards has their 20 smuzzies requirement for the collab. The team assembles together, decides on a scene, price of scene and what nfts builders are allowed to use on the scene.
  • 10% of the mint price will go towards the projects vsea burn address
  • 10% of the mint price will go towards the projects community wallet in $vet
  • 10% of the mint price will go towards smuzzie vsea burn address
  • 10% of the mint price will go towards smuzzie community wallet in $vet
  • remaining % will go towards render costs and development